

简介About Us


 Hefei Shanghai World Foreign Language Kindergarten,affiliated to Hefei Shanghai World Foreign Language School, the second kindergarten directly established by Shanghai JuneYao World Foreign Language Education Technology (Group) Co. Ltd. It opened its gatein November2019, with an innovative four-year program of kindergarten schooling.


 Hefei Shanghai World Foreign Language School is located in the center of the Zhuoyue City, covering an area of 86667 , with total gross floor area of 73,000 . The Zhuoyue City,with its unique geographical advantages, traffic convenience and ecological environment, will be the most attractive new urban space in Hefei in the next 10 years.

我们的愿景Our Vision:成为卓越的国际化百年名园

To become a distinguished international kindergarten of a century.

我们的使命Our Mission:让每一个孩子享受自然而有尊严,本土而又多元的美好教育

To empower every child with an integral education that is natural and dignified, authentically Chinese and diversely international.


I make the world beautiful.


Nurture every child to develop a “Rooted in China, Eyes on the World” mindset, empowering them to become holistic, future-ready citizens and virtuous lifelong learners with a deep appreciation for love and aesthetics.

价值观Core Values:幼儿为本 教师为先 家长为友 社会为责

Child Centered

Teacher Leadership

Parent Partnership

Social Responsibility

我们的课程Our Curriculum:在上海青浦世界外国语幼儿园成熟的国际化课程基础上,进行本土化融合与完善,构建美好课程体系,由基础课程、特色课程、拓展课程三部分组成,将中国传统文化和世界各国文化精髓相融合,给幼儿打开一扇俯瞰世界的窗口,让孩子起步便与国际同行,为后继学习和终身发展奠定良好的素质基础。

Based on the mature international curriculum of Shanghai Qingpu World Foreign Language Kindergarten,we aim to localize and enhance the beautiful curriculum framework,which encompasses three areas:basic curriculum, characteristic curriculum, and extended curriculum. We incorporate the essence of traditional Chinese culture and combine it with world culture, and opens a window for the children to understand the world so that they will start at the same starting line as their international peers, and lay a solid foundation for their subsequent learning an lifelong development.

我们的团队Our Team:按照幼教集团要求高标准配备师资,每班实行三教一保,其中外教半天带班,全面实施双语教育,为幼儿提供纯正的浸润式中英文双语环境;各类特色课程(生活俱乐部、自然俱乐部、心理俱乐部、科学俱乐部、艺术俱乐部、运动俱乐部)均配备专业教师,拥有一支具有国际视野和教育情怀的教师团队。

Adhering to the high standard of WFL Early-Childhood Education Group,each class is equipped with three teachers and one nursery teacher,with foreign teacher as a half-day homeroom teacher. All teachers work together in an effort to provide children with an authentic bilingual immersion environment.We have also equipped Characteristic curriculum (life club, nature club, psychology club, science club, art club, sports club) with specialty teachers. We strive to build a teacher and staff team with international vision and educational mindset.

我们的环境Our Facility:幼儿园占地面积8300㎡,建筑面积7128㎡,共设有16个教学班级。园舍由数座彩色别墅型建筑组成,有宽敞的室内外活动空间和独一无二的环形彩虹跑道,拥有各类专用活动教室,全园配备新风系统和中央空调系统,为幼儿提供安全、舒适的学习和生活空间。

Covering an area of 8,300,with total gross floor area of 7,128,the kindergarten has a total of 16 classes. The campus consists of several villa-style buildings,with spacious indoor and outdoor activity area,unique circular rainbow runway,specialized classroom, fresh air ventilation system and central air conditioning,providing safe and pleasant learning and living space for children.


Hefei Shanghai Foreign Language Kindergarten is a Candidate School for the Primary Years Programme.This school is pursuing authorization as an IB World School.These are schools that share a common philosophy—acommitment to high quality,challenging,international education that Hefei Shanghai Foreign Language Kindergarten believes is important for our students.


*Only schools authorized by the IB Organization can offer any of its four academic programmes: the Primary Years Programme(PYP),  the MiddleYears Programme(MYP), the Diploma Programme, or the Career-related Programme(CP).Candidate status gives no guarantee that authorization will be granted.For further information about the IB and its programmes, visit www.ibo.org

